Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Metaphor to Memory: Effects of Spatiotemporal Metaphors on the Emotional Valence of Autobiographical Memories Public Deposited

  • English speakers conceptualize the passing of time in one of two ways: as events in time moving toward them (the time-moving perspective) or as themselves moving through time (the ego-moving perspective). Previous studies suggest that these construals of time have corresponding emotional valences (positive and negative, respectively), which influence perceptions of emotional experiences. This study investigates whether spatiotemporal metaphors evoke valence-specific memories – specifically whether the ego-moving perspective evokes positive memories and the time-moving perspective negative memories. Participants read statements depicting events in motion and wrote about autobiographical memories. Memories recalled were evaluated as positive or negative by the researcher. Results showed no difference in memory valence between the two conditions. Although previous studies have demonstrated that event valence influences spatial construals of time, these results suggest that there is no significant influence of time construals on memory valence.
Date Awarded
  • 2018-01-01
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Dernière modification
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type
Déclaration de droits

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